A case of 42yr old female with multiple health events.

Name -k.swarnamukhi
Roll no:198
A case of a 42 year old female was given with multiple problems since childhood in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis". she was diagnosed with G6PD deficiency and AMPD1 deficiency.

The problems in priority I found are :
1. Swelling of face and abdomen 
2. Migraine associated with left sided weakness
3. Anhydrosis / oliguria
4. Fatigue
5. Sleeplessness
The patient gave a history of swelling since she was 1yr of age. She gave the complaints of abdomen and face swelling which led to a weight gain of 25lbs in 2 weeks which was followed by a loss of 10-15 lbs after 2 days of fasting when she was 12 yrs old. She complained of fluctuating swelling on and off.
-swelling is aggravated by stress, exercise, eating the wrong thing, smoke etc.
-relieved by cimetidine and rest.

-could be Hemolytic anemia due to G6PD deficiency

G6PD deficiency is a genetic abnormality that leads to a decreased amount of G6PD, that is required for production of NADPH that is required to prevent oxidative stress due to free radicals. The hemolysis might also be responsible for congestive heart failure. The oxidative stress in the kidney might also lead to ion imbalance leading to the swelling in the patient. These might be the underlying pathological reasons. 
Acute episodes of hemoyltic crises can be attributed to G6PD deficiency like
     - Severe reaction to sulpha drugs and anti malarials

Complete blood count and reticulocyte count
G6PD enzyme levels
Lactate dehydrogenase levels
Indirect and Direct Bilirubin 
Serum Haptoglobulin
Urinalysis for hematuria
Urinary Hemosiderin
Peripheral Blood smear
Avoid aggravating factors
Take adequate rest 

Migraine associated with left side weaknesses 

The patient gave the history of migraine since she was 2yrs old. She gave the history of associated left sided weakness, loss of vision, stuttering and memory loss( she usually becomes lucid after interval) since around 8 yrs. The migraine is associated with aura in the form of zig zag lines and colors and rainbows. There is history of CSF rhinorrhea from the left nostril. She gave history of increased tolerance to pain pertaining to migraines.

- probably Hemiplegic migraine

Investigations :
CSF Analysis to diagnose infections
EEG to detect seizures

Carotid artery angioplasty
Anhidrosis / Oliguria

The patient gave history of anhidrosis and oliguria. She complained of anydrosis even in the sauna and not only at room temperature.

- G6PD deficiency leading to oxidative stress in the kidney causing ion imbalance.
                Horner syndrome
                Bell's Palsy


Oliguria- Renal ultrasonography
               Voiding cystourethrography
Anhidrosis- Sweat test
                    Skin biopsy

Antimicrobials for infection
Rehydrate with IV fluids
